Apart from the above problems, you also need to deal with other issues like fraud, language, shipping, procurement management, quality control, etc.
That’s why we are here, Find Me Right is a sourcing agent you can count on to cut your costs and save you time. We help you with all aspects of sourcing from China. We understand your perspective and what you need and most importantly, what you want to avoid.
For sourcing services, we collect genuine manufacturer information from the mainland network and also from our on-hand manufacturer database.
Depending on your business size, it takes 2 days to 2 weeks to get the quality result and quotation for you. ( The reason for this difference is that some medium or higher-level business owners planning on long-term business will be extremely meticulou, so take us more time to find the best-supplier for long-term cooperation.
To start our initial cooperation, we provide 3 quotes for Free.